Cyber Ninjas Findings: After spending $3 million in taxpayer dollars, Cyber Ninjas finds no election fraud in Arizona. Official results from 2020 election are correct.
For months, the primarily GOP-funded private company, Cyber Ninjas, conducted an audit on the 2020 Election in Maricopa County.
Cyber Ninjas reviewed every single ballot submitted in Maricopa County as well as every machine used to cast them, spoiling the machines for future elections and costing taxpayers millions to replace them.
Cyber Ninjas found no fraud despite their best efforts and being paid millions by Arizona taxpayers and $5.7 million from private donors.
Arizona votes were counted and then recounted. Election officials conducted an official hand audit with no discrepancies found. In each official recount, the outcomes were the same.
This audit confirms American democracy's strength—and assures us that we can have confidence in our secure elections. But it alway shows us that there are much better ways to spend millions of tax payer dollars.
We have been through an intense political season.
Some are questioning whether America is still the strongest democracy in the world.
It is.
More Americans voted in 2020 than ever before. Votes were counted in the open and recounted in close contests.
But several states are considering hiring private companies to audit the election outcomes.
These are important questions to ask:
Can we trust audits by private companies hired by a single political party and funded by dark money donors?
Why would secret audits by out-of-state companies be more reliable than recounts conducted in the open by local election officials?
What are the qualifications of the companies being offered these sole-source contracts?